The city of Orvieto has always had an intense underground life, to which the inhabitants have entrusted over the centuries existence, survival and economy.
Today, thanks to a series of studies and research, the subsoil of Orvieto appears abundantly recorded, revealing as many as 1200 cavities.
Absolutely to program, therefore, a detailed exploration of its viscera buttons that will reveal to you how much the intricate hypogeal network has had a pre-eminently practical function.
A guided itinerary of great suggestion. Do not hesitate to make this extraordinary journey through time: you will discover a real underground city made of innumerable cavities that intersect and overlap under the urban fabric, where the inhabitants of Orvieto have carried out, since the ancient Etruscan origins, multiple activities of the daily life. The route is easy and does not require special attention, if not a pair of comfortable shoes.